Thursday, May 19, 2011

Using mobile phones while driving

Some people strongly support the need for using a mobile phone during their driving. They argue that for enjoyment. However, others are against it; they believe that they should protect our society. This essay will examine the positive sides and negative sides for using a mobile while driving.

First, there are several arguments in favor of using a phone while driving. The first argument is that when people use the road they want to enjoy their time by using a cell phone. For example, they can enjoy it by playing games, sending messages, and talking with others. Moreover, some people use a cell phone when they are driving for their jobs. This means people can sell and buy through cell phone that will save time, money, and effort. In addition, they can also use a phone for long distances. Usually people who drive long distances feel bored so that a cell phone protects them from sleeping.

On the other hand, there are many other arguments against using a mobile phone while driving. The first negative point is they should not use a cell phone when driving because that causes many accidents. This means when a driver did not focus on the road that will be dangerous for other drivers. Another negative point is that it’s a dangerous for pedestrians in the street. For example, when drivers are busy with their phone, they can’t see pedestrians in the street so they will cause accidents. Finally, some people who are using cell phones in cars spend a lot of money for paying traffic fines. Such as, when people use mobile phone during their driving so the police give them traffic fines because they didn’t follow traffic rules.

In conclusion, I can sum up by saying that using cell phones while driving should be taken into consideration. Citizens should respect and obey rules and laws to preserve their souls and their country as well. In my opinion, we can’t use cell phones while driving because it is dangerous.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Table of 5 cities for underground train system

This table gives us information about the underground train systems operating five major cities world wide.
 The newest, opened in 2001, but it is the second in length and the passengers after Kyoto if you will count from minimum to the maximum, the oldest is in London and it was opened in 1863 and it is the longest but the passengers aren’t the maximum. The one after London is Paris and it opened in 1900 and it is length is 199 Kilometers and it can carry up to 189 passengers. Directly after Paris is Tokyo and it opened in 1927 and its length is 155 Kilometers and it has the maximum passenger’s capacity.
The table shows Kyoto has the shortest and the smallest number of passengers, but London is the oldest has the longest underground train system. Boston has the newest train system and Tokyo has the highest number of passengers

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Smoke is Harmful

Smoke is Harmful

            In the past smoking was accepted in the public places, but nowadays it is rejected in our society and not allowed all over the world in many public places. So now I’m going to write an essay about smoking.
    The first point I would like to talk about is that the person who smokes is free to spend his money wherever he wants. The second thing is that the government doesn’t prevent smoking and it is allowed not like the drugs. Also some smokers feel relaxed and they release the stress of life when they smoke. Nowadays there are cabins or rooms in most public places that help the smokers to smoke whenever they want.
            Although the smokers are free to do what they do, also non-smokers have their health to consider and the smokers may disturb them. We can see the number of deaths that are caused by smoking is increasing, and it not only affects smokers, it also affects others. So the health authority should issue strict laws about smoking in public places and the media should increase awareness for the teenagers. Also in the schools, the rules should be stricter because the young people are affected easily when they see the older people smoking. A good step would be to ban smoking for drivers if there are children under 12 years old in the vehicle.
            Although the smokers are free when they smoke, also they have to respect the others who don’t smoke. Doctors say smoking is slow suicide and I think it is only a loss of health and money.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Line graph population growth,1750 to 2150

The line graph shows population growth in richer or more developed and poorer or less developed countries between 1750to2150. It is based on United Nations World population prospects, the 1998 revised and estimated by the Population Reference Bureau.
 In 1750 the world population was below 1 billion but in 1800 there was a slight increased in both developed and undeveloped countries. The growth in 2000was increased up to 6.1 billion but the increase was more dramatic in less developed countries than more developed countries. The population in more developed countries stayed the same from 2000 to 2010. Also they expect it to be the same from 2011 to 2150.less developed countries saw a bigger increase from 2000 to 2010. The population growth is estimated to reach 11 billion in 2150. From 1950 to 2000 world population increased three times. The more developed countries had slight growth but were still below 1 billion.
All in all, I think less developed countries expect to be more than 10 billion population.
170 worlds

Monday, April 25, 2011

Line Graph three African cities

The line graph gives information about the average monthly temperatures in three African cities - Mombasa, Cairo, and Cape Town. Each city has its own different climate, with very different characteristics.

The hottest place shown on the graph is Cairo. In July and August, average temperatures rise to over 80º Fahrenheit. However, Cairo also has the biggest variation in climate. Temperatures drop to as low as 55 degrees in Cairo’s winter, during January and February. This is equal to Cape Town’s lowest temperature in July. In fact Cairo and Cape Town are almost opposites in temperature. Cairo is hottest when Cape Town is coldest.

Cape Town does not have the range that Cairo has. Its maximum temperature is 70º F from November to February, after which it drops gradually to about 55 degrees in its winter. In contrast to Cairo or Cape Town .

Mombasa is warm all year round. Its temperature fluctuates very little, ranging from a low of 75 to a maximum of 83 in March.

In conclusion, location is very important in deciding climate. When it is winter in Cairo, it is summer in Cape Town, but Mombasa, being tropical, is warm all year round.

196 words

Reflection 3

We use 4 paragraph formats for the problem solution essays.
1 introduction: write your plan about the body and explain the solutions and problems
2 problems: write 4 causes of the problem about the subject that given to you
3 solutions: write the solutions that you wrote the problem about 
4 conclusion :  summarize the solutions and say which is most viable.
Then we moved to the graph; first we did the pie chart and compared between them and their percentage. After that, we practiced the bar chart, mostly between the countries. And last but not least we focused on the table chart and it was easy to understand.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hurricanes and Tornadoes

This table shows the differences between two very strong winds: hurricanes and tornadoes.
A hurricane can be predicted 2-3 days in advance for a wide area and 6-10 hours beforehand, but a tornado can be predicted 20 minutes or less. The minimum wind speed for tornadoes is 40 miles per hour, whereas for hurricanes it is 74 miles per hour. A hurricane has 300 miles of average width of storm and a tornado is 100-600 meters sometimes up to 1.5 km wide. Hurricanes start over warm oceans whereas tornadoes start usually over land. The hurricane is classified on the Saffir-Simpson C1-c5, but the tornado is classified on the Fujita F0-F5. Finally, the average number per year for hurricanes is 100 worldwide.
As you have seen, the tornadoes cause much damage in a few minutes with maximum wind speed 300 miles per hour, but a hurricane's duration will be one week on average.
156 words

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bar graph: population changes in large cities

The bar chart shows the growth of urban agglomerations over the past sixty years and projection for the next five years time.
There are differences in the population between all of the major cities, I will start with London; the population decreased from about 8 millions in 1950 to 7 millions in 2000 and it shows that it will remain the same for the next five years. Bombay and Tokyo are the top two countries with growth from around 2.5 million to more than 25 millions in Tokyo in 2000 but Bombay was less than 20 millions in 2000; Bombay is projected to be more than 20 million within the next 5 years, but Tokyo  will remain the same for the next 5 years. Lagos has the most growth in the population; it increased from less than 5 million up to 12.5 million in 2000 and it will be more than 20 million as projected in 2015.
In conclusion it is clear that London is the only city that shows a decrease in population but the others shows a growth in population.
183 words

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi.

Like many large cities worldwide, Abu Dhabi suffers from traffic congestion. Why, and what can be done about it?
Nowadays the most common problem for most people living in Abu Dhabi is that they are suffering from traffic congestion.
The causes are as follows: growing population and the numbers of cars per household; economic expansion and development; construction which needs heavy vehicles; more drivers are teenagers and they are causing most of the accidents ; driver education; concentration of firms like colleges in one area and the shortage of parking.
The suggested solutions are to improve the existing system like skyline; to limit the numbers of cars per household; to stagger hours; better planning and better education like a stiffer driving test; more fines; restrictions like salik; better public transport like buses; relocation of business and ministries; and the paid parking.
All in all the most viable solution for my idea is relocation  because it is easy and because after it is ready they can move to it easily and smoothly.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Problem & Solution 1

Forty years ago the life was difficult and the people were moving a lot and travelling by walking or by camels. Nowadays the life is very easy and everything you want you will get in your place by delivery; that’s why many of the people are obese or very over weight. In this essay I will explain the problem and solution to this habit.
The biggest reason of this is the bad life style and some people are eating more and moving less, that’s why they are getting more weight. Most people like the fast food and most of them think that the fast food is more healthy because they are following the advertisements and the fast food owners want to gain more profit from these advertisement, and that’s why the Ministry of Health is making other advertisement that are advising people to do more exercise ; to live more and to be more healthy, because the percentage of the sick people is reaching the danger point.
The solution to control the weight is to educate the people to change their life style step by step until they reach the healthy life style. Inform the people to control the children’s food from a younger age and also tell them about the routine checkup by the professional doctor to monitor any health problem from the beginning before it reaches to the danger point.
All in all the life style is easy for the healthy people but for others it is difficult because they are suffering.
Good diet and physical exercise are the keys to reducing obesity.  
265 words  

Sunday, March 6, 2011

                                                Synonyms                                                           antonyms

Happy                                   glad, pleased                                     sad, unhappy, miserable, blue
Shout                                    scream, yell, shriek                         scream
Clever                                   smart, intelligent, bright               dumb, stupid, dull, slow
Simple                                  easy, straightforward                     hard< difficult, complex
Beautiful                              lovely, pretty                                     ugly
Polite                                    well-mannered                                                 rude, impolite
Increase                               rise, growth                                        decrease, go down
Ascend                                 rise, go up,                                          slow down, and descend
Accelerate                          speed up, go faster                         slow down, and decelerate
Little                                      small, minute, tiny, minor            big, large, massive, colossal enormous, gigantic


Erupted B
Protests D
broke out
Vowed A
Wild I
Express G
Welcomed E
Solidarity J
Inspiration C
absolute ruler
Overcome F
Dictator H

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two pie charts
These two pie charts show the types of gifts that women and man in the USA buy for each other on Valentine’s Day, 14th February yearly.
The most popular gifts bought by both women and men are flowers, candy and cards. Cards are the most popular gift for both genders. More men than women buy flowers, 16% compared to 11%, while more women, 27%, buy cards than men, 18%. Rather surprisingly, more women, around a fifth, buy candy for men than vice versa. Around 10% of both women and men purchase jewellery. Over twice as many women than men buy perfumes or cologne. Men spend more than women on both lingerie and spa/personal care, which is exactly what you would expect.
In conclusion, the types of gifts bought for each other by women and men in the USA are more or less what you would expect. The actuality of the percentage, however, is rather more surprising; for instance, the fact that grater percentage of women buys candy and perfume /cologne.
Date –Producing Countries,2001
The bar graph shows the production of dates in tonnes for the world’s top producers in the year 2001. Ten countries in the Asian continent and African continent are included.
First, Egypt took the lion’s share of production, with over a million tonnes, but Iran is a close second, with almost 0.9 million. The UAE supplied the world with nearly 750,000 tonnes and Saudi Arabia around 725,000 tonnes. Following them Iraq and Pakistan, with outputs of approximately 620,000 tonnes each, were far less productive. Algeria supplied the world with nearly 400,000 tonnes and Oman around a quarter of a million. In contrast, harvests in Sudan and Libya were far less plentiful, yielding under  0.2 million each.
In summary, Egypt and Iran are close to each other in the date production. However, Libya and Sudan are the smallest two producers in northern Africa.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The pie-chart shows how much the UK government budget was and where they spent it in 1996; the total budget is £315 billion.
They spent about £100 billion on the social security sector. Health and personal social services had the second highest and it cost£53 billion, and the two of them take more than half of the budget. Also we can see that the education spent £38 billion; the chart shows that they spent in debt interest £25 billion which was slightly more than other expenditure sector which spent £23 billion. Defense spent £22 billion followed by law and order which spent £17 billion. From the chart we can see that housing, heritage and environment spent £15 billion. Industry, agriculture and employment cost £13 billion.
It can be seen clearly that the UK government spent a big amount of money in their country to improve their social life and as we see from the chart they spent £100 billion. Also the most focus was on health and education which increases the awareness of culture and society.
178 words