Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The pie-chart shows how much the UK government budget was and where they spent it in 1996; the total budget is £315 billion.
They spent about £100 billion on the social security sector. Health and personal social services had the second highest and it cost£53 billion, and the two of them take more than half of the budget. Also we can see that the education spent £38 billion; the chart shows that they spent in debt interest £25 billion which was slightly more than other expenditure sector which spent £23 billion. Defense spent £22 billion followed by law and order which spent £17 billion. From the chart we can see that housing, heritage and environment spent £15 billion. Industry, agriculture and employment cost £13 billion.
It can be seen clearly that the UK government spent a big amount of money in their country to improve their social life and as we see from the chart they spent £100 billion. Also the most focus was on health and education which increases the awareness of culture and society.
178 words     

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