Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Problem & Solution 1

Forty years ago the life was difficult and the people were moving a lot and travelling by walking or by camels. Nowadays the life is very easy and everything you want you will get in your place by delivery; that’s why many of the people are obese or very over weight. In this essay I will explain the problem and solution to this habit.
The biggest reason of this is the bad life style and some people are eating more and moving less, that’s why they are getting more weight. Most people like the fast food and most of them think that the fast food is more healthy because they are following the advertisements and the fast food owners want to gain more profit from these advertisement, and that’s why the Ministry of Health is making other advertisement that are advising people to do more exercise ; to live more and to be more healthy, because the percentage of the sick people is reaching the danger point.
The solution to control the weight is to educate the people to change their life style step by step until they reach the healthy life style. Inform the people to control the children’s food from a younger age and also tell them about the routine checkup by the professional doctor to monitor any health problem from the beginning before it reaches to the danger point.
All in all the life style is easy for the healthy people but for others it is difficult because they are suffering.
Good diet and physical exercise are the keys to reducing obesity.  
265 words  

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