Thursday, March 17, 2011

Traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi.

Like many large cities worldwide, Abu Dhabi suffers from traffic congestion. Why, and what can be done about it?
Nowadays the most common problem for most people living in Abu Dhabi is that they are suffering from traffic congestion.
The causes are as follows: growing population and the numbers of cars per household; economic expansion and development; construction which needs heavy vehicles; more drivers are teenagers and they are causing most of the accidents ; driver education; concentration of firms like colleges in one area and the shortage of parking.
The suggested solutions are to improve the existing system like skyline; to limit the numbers of cars per household; to stagger hours; better planning and better education like a stiffer driving test; more fines; restrictions like salik; better public transport like buses; relocation of business and ministries; and the paid parking.
All in all the most viable solution for my idea is relocation  because it is easy and because after it is ready they can move to it easily and smoothly.

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