Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two pie charts
These two pie charts show the types of gifts that women and man in the USA buy for each other on Valentine’s Day, 14th February yearly.
The most popular gifts bought by both women and men are flowers, candy and cards. Cards are the most popular gift for both genders. More men than women buy flowers, 16% compared to 11%, while more women, 27%, buy cards than men, 18%. Rather surprisingly, more women, around a fifth, buy candy for men than vice versa. Around 10% of both women and men purchase jewellery. Over twice as many women than men buy perfumes or cologne. Men spend more than women on both lingerie and spa/personal care, which is exactly what you would expect.
In conclusion, the types of gifts bought for each other by women and men in the USA are more or less what you would expect. The actuality of the percentage, however, is rather more surprising; for instance, the fact that grater percentage of women buys candy and perfume /cologne.
Date –Producing Countries,2001
The bar graph shows the production of dates in tonnes for the world’s top producers in the year 2001. Ten countries in the Asian continent and African continent are included.
First, Egypt took the lion’s share of production, with over a million tonnes, but Iran is a close second, with almost 0.9 million. The UAE supplied the world with nearly 750,000 tonnes and Saudi Arabia around 725,000 tonnes. Following them Iraq and Pakistan, with outputs of approximately 620,000 tonnes each, were far less productive. Algeria supplied the world with nearly 400,000 tonnes and Oman around a quarter of a million. In contrast, harvests in Sudan and Libya were far less plentiful, yielding under  0.2 million each.
In summary, Egypt and Iran are close to each other in the date production. However, Libya and Sudan are the smallest two producers in northern Africa.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The pie-chart shows how much the UK government budget was and where they spent it in 1996; the total budget is £315 billion.
They spent about £100 billion on the social security sector. Health and personal social services had the second highest and it cost£53 billion, and the two of them take more than half of the budget. Also we can see that the education spent £38 billion; the chart shows that they spent in debt interest £25 billion which was slightly more than other expenditure sector which spent £23 billion. Defense spent £22 billion followed by law and order which spent £17 billion. From the chart we can see that housing, heritage and environment spent £15 billion. Industry, agriculture and employment cost £13 billion.
It can be seen clearly that the UK government spent a big amount of money in their country to improve their social life and as we see from the chart they spent £100 billion. Also the most focus was on health and education which increases the awareness of culture and society.
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