Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting a flat tire

Getting a flat tire is inconvenient; first you must not put on the brakes, you must park the car in a safe place, especially if there is no garage nearby to help out. Whether it happens in town or in a remote location; It’s important to know how to change a tire.

This is what must be done. First, the wheel nuts must be loosened. This should be done before the car is raised, using the jack. Next, the car is jacked up. Then the nuts are removed. After that the wheel is removed and the spare tire is put on. Then the nuts are tightened and the car is lowered. The nuts are tightened one last time for safety. Finally the tools are tidied away. You are now ready to drive on.

As you can see, changing a tire is a very simple and straightforward process, but you must follow the above steps in the correct order, particularly the first step of loosening the wheel nuts before you raise the vehicle.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Journey from Brunei to Sarawak

Thirty years ago, Hedley, with his wife Mary and daughter Katie visited the

Niah Caves in Sarawak, East Malaysia. They travelled by car,

ferry, and boat.

They set off from Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei,

and drove to the border with Sarawak. They crossed two large rivers

by ferry, stopped in Miri for lunch and then continued to Niah, a

small river township. Then they hired a small boat and sailed

upriver to a government rest house, where they spent the night.

They ate with the small group of scientists who lived in the rest

house and shared the cold drinks they had brought with them in

a cool box. It was a remote spot, deep in the jungle. They slept

in bunk beds with no air conditioning. It was a novel experience.

The next morning, they walked along a jungle path for half an hour

until they reached the Niah caves. Inside the caves, which were very

high, they saw men who climbed up tall bamboo poles. The men wore

lights on their hats because it was so dark. At the top of the poles they

scraped off birds’ nests from the roof of the caves. The nests

were collected by their mates on the cave floor and packed into sacks.

These nests were later sold and made into bird’s nest soup, a

Chinese delicacy.   
That afternoon, they said goodbye to their new-found friends

in the rest house and set off on the long drive home.
 It was quite an adventure and one they would never forget.

266 words

Monday, December 13, 2010

Diffecalt words

passport photos
local papers
strange taste
small size
outdoor activities
teach south
rural co-operative (urban)

Celebrating National Day

This weekend I celebrated National Day in Dubai. I went with my family for two nights, and I wasn’t prepared for this journey.

          We left Abu Dhabi on Thursday morning and drove to Dubai. The duration to arrive was one hour, and I was booked into Dusit Hotel on Shaikh Zayed St. The place of the hotel was very nice and we were on the 13th floor with a Burj Khalifa view. After we arrived we went to the Mall of Dubai and we went to Sea World park in the mall, but we didn’t complete our round because my son was afraid and crying all the time. Then we took our dinner and we went to the hotel. The day after, we left the hotel at 12:30pm to go to the Mall of Emirates and at 5:30pm we went to Global Village. We enjoyed it there. We visited most of the villages and their was crowded.

The vacation was really interesting and distinctive because of the events and parties of the National Day and the weather was fine. Saturday we left Dubai, going back to Abu Dhabi, and we enjoyed the National day in Dubai.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How orange juice is produced
Nowadays many people like the orange juice but most of them buy it from the supermarket and it is already concentrated and the oranges are rich in vitamin c. In this essay I will explain the process of how to make orange juice.
Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from lorries. Secondly it must be graded and washed. Then it should be entered to the sizer.  Then the oranges are sent to the juice extractor. After that the waste is fed to the animals and the juice is sent to the evaporator for a short time. Then the concentrated juice is refrigerated and stored. After that the juice is sent to a canning machine. Then the cans are loaded on to the ship. Next the ship sails to Dubai. Then the water is added to the concentrated juice. Finally the juice is bottled and distributed to the supermarkets.
The orange juice is easy if you make it at home. The juice companies tell the people the juice is fresh but by these steps I can see it isn’t fresh because it is shipped to Dubai

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

reflection 2

I’m going to tell you how to write a compare and contrast essay between two things .As our teacher Mr. Hedley taught us we have to write four paragraph. However you can write three paragraphs if you are trying to be different from others. The first paragraphs as usual is the introduction, and it has to be between 30-40 words and try to make it strong. The second paragraph is the body. However if you want to follow the rules ,it would be the second  and the third  paragraphs ,and it is about 150 words. First you have to write the similarities then you have to write the differences in the third paragraph. In the fourth paragraph you must write the conclusion and include your opinion.
Finally you must post it in your blog and tell Mr. Hedley  to correct it if there is any mistake.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Compare & contrast between small town& big cities

Nowadays, big cities make the people want to move to a village for so many reasons, but I’m not going list them in this essay. I’m going to show some differences and similarities between the villages and cities.
A village and city have similarities, such as schools, mosques and police stations, but in the city only you can find colleges, institutes and Universities, while the village has none of them. Also you can have a trip around in both places; for example in the village you will meet only a few people and in the evening there is no place to go so you will return to your bed.  Comparing that with a big city for example; there are more facilities than you think, like big shopping malls and you can meet hundreds of people and maybe you can find any of your friends by chance.  If you want a night club or big hotels and modern or big restaurants you can find them easily because there are plenty in the cities.
Although there are similarities there are also several differences. The first difference is that the big city has big buildings, not as small as the town so the big city can take more population. The second difference is that a big city has more traffic than a small town. The third difference is that a small town is quieter than the big city so people can sleep well.
As we see, there are difference and also similarities .I prefer a small town in the vacation and weekend and I prefer  the city in the working days to be near the work  so the town for relaxing and sleep but the city for work and to be awake.
     291 words

Synonym 1

  1. Attempts=tries
  2. Utterly=totally
  3. Assessment=judgment
  4. Fooled=kidded
  5. Reality=truth
  6. Series=sequence
  7. Concept=idea
  8. Petty=trivial
  9. Debates=arguments
  10. Revealed=showed

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The changes in UAE 40 years ago and now

The UAE in 40 years has changed a lot from the foundation up to the high building. In this essay I will write about the similarities and differences between nowadays and the old days.
There are many similarities between the UAE 40 years ago and nowadays. The first similarity is the traditions are still the same because most of the UAE’s original people were Bedouin and they didn’t change their tradition. The second similarity is the language is still the same because it is the religious language and nobody can change it. The last , not least , similarity is the royal family which is still the same in all seven Emirates.
There are a lot of differences; the first difference is the life. Some people are enjoying nowadays life but some of the older people like the olden  days' life because they were enjoying their life more than now. The second difference is the buildings and the roads. They are bigger and better but it has become more crowded because more expatriate people like the life in the UAE because it is an enjoyable life.
The life in the past was more difficult than the life in the present because it is an easy life and anything you need you will get direct because it is available nearby.

222 words

Monday, October 4, 2010


The procedure essays have to be three paragraphs. First, the introduction; it must be between 25 and 30 words not more than 50 and Hedley said it should be clear. The second step is the body which must be at least 100 words and we have to use words like next, after, then, also, finally.
You must have a conclusion to get a good result and to make Mr. Hedley happy.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some people like to make the fresh butter by hand without using any machines, the same as in the olden days.
First, you must check the fresh milk for quality and the fat content. Also it must be checked because you will know exactly how many grams you will get from the milk. Second, you must leave the milk to cool because you will see the cream float on the milk, then separate the cream .Next churn the cream, then drain the butter milk from the butter. After that place the butter in the jar ,and then you must wash the butter with cold water to remove remaining  buttermilk from the milk because it will accumulate at the top of the milk .After that add a small or medium amount of salt for the flavor  you like .Then cut and wrap the butter. Finally store the butter in a fridge and you can take from it when you need it.
    Making butter by hand is a long procedure but if you follow the steps you will be successful.     

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Nowadays many people around the world are putting their money in the bank and they heard about it from someone or their friends have an account in a bank. That has more facilities for each account they have chosen. But some of them don’t know how to use or they don’t know all the facilities available in the ATM. I’m going to explain exactly how to use the ATM.
First, you have to get an ATM card or credit card such as Master or Visa and enter your PIN code.
Second, you must put your card into the ATM, and then if you are in an Arab country you must choose the language or if the ATM is in the airport you must choose the currency that you want either Dirhams or US Dollars .Next you can choose the service you want such as cash deposit ,check deposit or short account summary or if you want a long account summary they will send it to your registered address .Finally , you have to take the ATM card or the credit card out and the money to enjoy.