Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How orange juice is produced
Nowadays many people like the orange juice but most of them buy it from the supermarket and it is already concentrated and the oranges are rich in vitamin c. In this essay I will explain the process of how to make orange juice.
Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from lorries. Secondly it must be graded and washed. Then it should be entered to the sizer.  Then the oranges are sent to the juice extractor. After that the waste is fed to the animals and the juice is sent to the evaporator for a short time. Then the concentrated juice is refrigerated and stored. After that the juice is sent to a canning machine. Then the cans are loaded on to the ship. Next the ship sails to Dubai. Then the water is added to the concentrated juice. Finally the juice is bottled and distributed to the supermarkets.
The orange juice is easy if you make it at home. The juice companies tell the people the juice is fresh but by these steps I can see it isn’t fresh because it is shipped to Dubai

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

reflection 2

I’m going to tell you how to write a compare and contrast essay between two things .As our teacher Mr. Hedley taught us we have to write four paragraph. However you can write three paragraphs if you are trying to be different from others. The first paragraphs as usual is the introduction, and it has to be between 30-40 words and try to make it strong. The second paragraph is the body. However if you want to follow the rules ,it would be the second  and the third  paragraphs ,and it is about 150 words. First you have to write the similarities then you have to write the differences in the third paragraph. In the fourth paragraph you must write the conclusion and include your opinion.
Finally you must post it in your blog and tell Mr. Hedley  to correct it if there is any mistake.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Compare & contrast between small town& big cities

Nowadays, big cities make the people want to move to a village for so many reasons, but I’m not going list them in this essay. I’m going to show some differences and similarities between the villages and cities.
A village and city have similarities, such as schools, mosques and police stations, but in the city only you can find colleges, institutes and Universities, while the village has none of them. Also you can have a trip around in both places; for example in the village you will meet only a few people and in the evening there is no place to go so you will return to your bed.  Comparing that with a big city for example; there are more facilities than you think, like big shopping malls and you can meet hundreds of people and maybe you can find any of your friends by chance.  If you want a night club or big hotels and modern or big restaurants you can find them easily because there are plenty in the cities.
Although there are similarities there are also several differences. The first difference is that the big city has big buildings, not as small as the town so the big city can take more population. The second difference is that a big city has more traffic than a small town. The third difference is that a small town is quieter than the big city so people can sleep well.
As we see, there are difference and also similarities .I prefer a small town in the vacation and weekend and I prefer  the city in the working days to be near the work  so the town for relaxing and sleep but the city for work and to be awake.
     291 words

Synonym 1

  1. Attempts=tries
  2. Utterly=totally
  3. Assessment=judgment
  4. Fooled=kidded
  5. Reality=truth
  6. Series=sequence
  7. Concept=idea
  8. Petty=trivial
  9. Debates=arguments
  10. Revealed=showed